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Showing posts from November, 2013

Rain or Shine

"Say Something" - A Great Big World I deleted two posts in my drafts folder.  Just yesterday afternoon, I started and stopped on this post about three times.  The rain was hard that morning, so much so that the front of my dark blue jeans was soaked from merely walking one full block to work.  I didn't stop for coffee.  I couldn't bring myself to pull into my usual place since so many things right now seem so out of place.  I had a concept for a good story and lost it completely, but this time it was different because I meant to.  I chose instead to be like the rain.  I'll pour as much as possible onto you, Dear Blog and we'll see where I end up. I'm in love with this song.  It's been on repeat and I know I'll never tire from it.  There are a few songs like that with me and they are all sad so I know by default that I'm right with this one.  Everything about it sends a familiar feeling within me to the surface and it's...