My first week of work in a new city and the 20 lessons I learned (or relearned):
- Change will occur in steps over time, but I have to give it time.
- Public transportation isn’t bad as long as I know where I’m going and actually get there.
- iPods, iPhones and reading material is the best source of company when I don’t want company.
- Old songs never get old.
- It’s ok not to know all the answers and to ask for help.
- If I want to know more, I have to read more.
- Note-taking is a skill not to be taken lightly.
- Walking is fun if a good coffee shop is around the corner.
- Invest in more flats especially stylish ones.
- A car is an expensive alternative in a busy city.
- Working in downtown means loud distractions just outside my office window.
- Little green plants seem manageable on a window sill.
- Bringing lunch saves money.
- Sharing lunch makes friends.
- A big bag can hold a lot of stuff.
- I still absolutely hate grocery shopping.
- I still absolutely love cold weather.
- It’s ok to smile back at a stranger (if they mean well).
- A clean desk is a happy desk.
- I can learn and relearn lessons to live by.
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